Sunday, November 16, 2014

Call of Cthulhu - Agent Solange

I find myself to be in a bit of an odd situation. I was driving through the countryside in response to a problem when all of a sudden I blacked out and awoke handcuffed in a cell with two other people apparently nowhere near where I had been when I was last awake judging by the city on the officer’s uniform who was with me. Little time was wasted by myself and the officer in freeing ourselves and the other person in the cell from captivity. We did find the door to be slightly barred but we forced our way out of the cell room and encountered several other people in serious disarray. One person had lost an arm, another a hand, and two of them appeared to be cultists of some god they had met.

This is not in the agency training but I am dealing with it. They told the three of us in the cell that we were in a bunker in a cornfield and that someone named Melissa had kidnapped us all. They did not say why. We proceeded together and went downwards for the others said to turn back was quite impossible. As we went down a floor we turned to find out we were being followed by a… thing. I don’t know how to describe it. An ogre perhaps?

The one armed man took off fast so undoubtedly this thing was the cause of his missing arm and the rest of us quickly followed suit as there was no other way out of this situation. Dashing around turns the group got quickly separated and the ogre followed the police officer eventually. I came across a room that I could not cross and turned back only to meet the other woman that had been in the cell with me. We went back to the room that was not crossable only to see that the officer was now dead. We took off and easily avoided the ogre thing this time.

The two of us met up with the other three, now two, as alas, in their attempt to jump a pit the one missing an arm had done poorly and died in the fall. The two cultists and I left the body behind while the other woman stayed there for some reason. We attempted to go back to the stairs but some rat creatures came down them and so we had to flee. They were easily avoided and so we made our way back into the maze hoping to avoid the ogre.

After some exploration we found ourselves at a door and then another door behind which we found a lounge of some kind. There were ribs in the fridge and as we were all a bit hungry we ate some. I destroyed a bit of the carpet as revenge for this kidnapping and then the other woman arrived. The four of us proceeded upstairs where I found a gun inside a chest along with a note asking someone named Matilda to clean the place. We proceeded into the next room and found someone who was presumably Matilda and after she shot at us we killed her though she did something to the man who had all his limbs as he stabbed his fellow cultists. After I killed Matilda I patched up the handless man and we had some more food so as to all feel better.

We then found ourselves at a crossroads for there were two… portals? of purple material in the room that Matilda had been in. There was a bit of discussion and then we all proceeded through one of the portals. When we appeared on the other side of the portal we found ourselves on a mountain top in front of a hiker. Another portal opened and then someone in a suit appeared saying something about an oddly dressed fellow which the cultists appeared to be quite jubilant about. The man in a suit, the head cultist, and myself all roped down the cliffside to get to a house off in the distance as it was quite cold while the others decided to walk down for some reason. The man missing a hand did not make it.

The man with a suit left us as soon as we were inside and it became clear that this church that we had apparently found ourselves in was not so good as there is a very dead body in the entryway. I do not like what I have gotten myself into.

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