Monday, January 30, 2017

Sindri Janisson

Entry # 487

I find myself traveling with my half sister for the first time, in the city of Jom. The Legion rules here, something which is making me a bit uneasy but the place is clearly civilized. We fought in the fighting pits for a few days in a tournament and actually won this team competition with the aid of a paladin, a fighter, and a rogue. The fighter is rather quiet, the rogue probably needs to lead around with a leash, and the paladin is rather amusing.

The fighter killed several people in the fights we participated in, something which made me a bit nervous but fortunately nobody tried the same on us. We even beat a legion squad to win the tournament!

We won the tournament in the name of someone called Blood Captain Dagoth. Hopefully this deal works out. I have a nagging feeling we will be dragged into legion politics.

I fear I have also corrupted my half sister with proper baths. She is very much taken by them. I wonder if she will build one in the village at some point or if she will even go back.

Entry # 488

We met with this Blood Captain Dagoth and my suspicions were correct. We are indeed being drawn into Legion politics though it seems for some decent reasons. The paladin with us, Ragna, has lost a brother to an apparent conflict between nobles and commoners in the organization. Dagoth and his wife, Mary, gave us the name of the person who sponsored the team we fought against in the last match of the tournament as a good place to start but I am hesitant to agree it was him. That would be very convenient for Dagoth to have a rival go missing. Further investigation will be needed.

Anyways, Dagoth asked us with assistance in a small matter of securing spellcasters for the legion. Apparently he was quite taken with my performance and how it pointed out the flaw that the legion has with a lack of spellcasters to fill ranks. It seems a worthwhile goal, provided Dagoth continues to like us which is rather unlikely to continue forever.

Should probably draw up plans to kill him as well for when that happens.

We acquired a bag of holding for storage for the group as well.
Sylvi thinks Dagoth might be a good option for getting items back to the village. I think it is a reasonable choice though I do wonder what might happen to the village should we displease Dagosh. I doubt it would be very pleasant.

A woman also approached us for assistance with freeing a fighter from Dagoth’s service. At least I think that is what she asked for. Assistance in finding this person maybe? To be honest I don’t really care and have little interest in going against Dagoth.

All is well for now though.

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