Monday, March 20, 2017

Sindri Janisson

Entry #489

Today was very hectic and is only going to get worse. We awoke and discussed the events of the prior day, my sister and Jurgin telling Ragna and I about the person they had assisted. Whoever this Maximus person was, he was nowhere to be found. I’m fairly certain they just got drunk and made it all up.

A messenger approached us then and gave us tickets to an event in the arena, one where Dagoth’s champion would be fighting. We started to leave but found ourselves sidetracked by someone waiting outside to meet with us. I went off with them and the rest followed. It appeared mine and Ragna’s efforts yesterday to locate the mage group worked as we met with an emissary of the group. They seemed to like the idea of working with the legion and asked as proof of the bargain that the four of us acquire a crate from a ship later that day for them of black onyx rocks.

We agreed and the children of blood gave us a fellow to accompany us with all the information we would need, a bard.

We went to the arena then and I attempted to do some shopping. The shops had outrageous prices and I told them such then stormed out to go get ready to watch the match we had been invited to. What a match it was. This Wintercold fellow who is Dagoth’s champion appears to be a boy of 15, maybe younger. He proceeded to win this match that was to be to the death without killing a single person.

I applaud him. Why should we kill when we are so young? It does us no good.

We were walking back to the inn when the rest of the group told me they were going to go meet with some lord lars. I did not pay much attention to what was going on until for whatever reason this person wanted to kill us. Apparently the Dagoth fellow has been making waves and the lords part of the legion think he will try to take over the legion at some point and wanted our assistance. We talked our way out of the confrontation though someone did take a swing at me and completely missed. This lord lars fellow was apparently the opponent we had in the first match of our arena tournament.

While walking back to the inn once again, Ragna stopped the group to go back to the arena for some reason then got shot by someone. We all pursued and had a confrontation in an alleyway with some gang of people. I acquired quite a few bruises but we managed to beat off the group bit by bit. The only casualty was one of them and they were killed by their own side due to a fire spell.

We took one captive and were in the process of starting an interrogation when Sylvi noticed the guards were nearby so we left the captive in a barrel tied up and upside down. We went to a completely different inn, one by the docks called the Pheasant’s Bunghole, at the insistence of the bard to wait for nightfall.

This mission will be fun as so far as I can tell we have only Sylvi as a stealthy person and some very poor liars in the group.

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