Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pathfinder-Ralen Bek

Day 16
It has been a very few interesting past days. I returned from a sojourn in the woods seven days ago to find the town we had been staying at to have been destroyed. It would seem the barbarian has been enlarged and now stands at nine feet tall naturally. If an enlarged person spell is cast on him he becomes twenty five feet tall apparently. Due to an attack by mole people of some sort the city collapsed into the ground under his weight.

A most unfortunate accident.

We moved on to some other city than, a center of the area I believe for there is a king here. I took lodgings at the local temple while the rest lodged with the guild that they had joined. To assist the refugees from the destroyed town I gave a speech or two and managed to raise several thousand goldpieces for them.

I also assisted the local area by distributing some medicine to those who needed it. A few ruffians accosted me but the samuri and I scared them off. Some chaos came to the city then over the next few days and there seemed to be a rash of fires in the area. I am not certain as to why.
On the seventh day we were there, a small matter of a riot occurred due to a demon possessing a crowd at a concert which my companions happened to be at. The rioting crowd killed many guards and destroyed quite a few buildings before attempting to attack the local temple. With the assistance of several other paladins present I fought off several of the bolder attackers at which point the demon possessing them all left them for higher ground. The shadow demon attempted to escape then by turning invisible but my ability to detect evil was not fooled. The barbarian grabbed ahold of the demon as it took flight and piledrived it into the streets below, killing it and bringing down a portion of the building as he was in his twenty five foot form again.

We were rewarded for our services then by the king and I received a set of full plate armor that had been worn by a previous servant of Torag. I am not certain as to how he met his end but it was obviously in the area. The others received their rewards as well and now we have decided to pursue a local bounty of 10000 gold pieces on an orc warlord in the region. He has been destabilizing the local area apparently. I’m sure we’ll do fine.


It seems my god favors me for I have gained the ability to use divine magic now. I am also blessed with the ability to channel positive energy and smite more evil on my adventures.

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