Saturday, February 15, 2014

Pathfinder - Ralen Bek

The day was started with a bit of debate amongst the group as we tried to determine where exactly to take our tribes for a capital. There were three choices that we knew of, an abandoned elven city, a human fortress that had been rebuilt three times due to the swamp, and a ship of some kind. It took some deciding but eventually we decided to go to the elven city.

The tribes set off and I chatted with the war minister, who apparently earned his position by being the only survivor of a platoon who killed something called a landshark. The dwarf tells me that they are also called bulette by some people. Clearly he deserves the position. On the way to the city we came across a detachment of the Imperial Army and increased our march as the elf and rogue determined that they were likely heading for the same city as we were.

We reached the city close to nightfall and easily got through the outer wall as it was full of holes that will have to be repaired. We determined that there were no easy ways through the inner wall and the rogue threw a grappling hook up. Surprisingly, he did not hit the wall but ended up hitting a halfling! The four of us lead the way to the top with another grappling hook and the elf healed up the halfling as he had a grappling hook in him. The halfling related to us the tale of his adventuring group and how something had killed the other three members of the group he had been in. Seeing no reason to delay we had the halfling lead us to where the attack had happened.

With some investigation of the site the cleric found some kind of elven undead in a house close by. The dwarf, rogue, and I followed the blood trail while the cleric went back with the halfling. It appeared that the blood trail lead to the central tower of the city. The rogue climbed up and dropped a rope for the dwarf to climb up. With my help the dwarf was able to get up as I extended the rope. A dirge became quite audible to us as we entered the tower and then the voice of the cleric reached us and so we decided to deal with the cleric first. The three of us descended and came into a throne room of some kind. The cleric was in the center of a horde of undead and with one burst of channeling energy there were only four undead left.

The four of us easily dealt with the elven undead left and the song became louder. The four undead that had been left started to slide together and assume a form of some bigger undead. At long last I summoned Sprinkles to aid me and had the other three go upstairs to deal with whoever was making the music while I dealt with this bigger undead. With Sprinkles at my side and the power of my abilities the undead was no match for me. I took Sprinkles up the tower then and reached the top. A trapdoor was pointed out to me that had a ladder of some kind going up to it which the rogue had accidentally broken and I took Sprinkles through it. We ended up in the face of some wizard who probably needed new pants then. The person playing the music appeared to be a spirit of some kind and when we told him of the undead we had killed he stop playing.

The wizard told us then of the undead still left in the city and as the spirit had left the dwarf tried to play some tune but utterly failed. The music he made was utterly terrible, so terrible in fact that even the undead hated it. All of the undead left in the city started to swarm towards the tower so offended were they. The four of us rested then, content in the knowledge that the undead would be there in the morning.

After some sleep we went down to the courtyard where the undead were attempting to get in with a very big undead. I summoned Sprinkles again and mounted him as the brute attempted to break down the door. The brute quickly broke down the door and the other three dealt with him and another undead with swords for arms while Sprinkles and I charged at an undead with no face. The faceless being used some sort of magic to take over Sprinkles but not I so it died easily with a few strikes. The fourth super undead was easily dealt with by Sprinkles and the rogue with a few more blows and then we enjoyed a bit of rest as we waited for the army detachment to show up. When they did I negotiated a treaty that gave us control of the city and the swamp land in general. Plans were discussed with expansion to the south and maybe the east.

There are many matters to consider now that we have a serious settlement established and apparently another five thousand goblins coming.

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