Monday, March 3, 2014

Pathfinder - Ralen Bek

It was an interesting day to say the least. I received a notice from the people to the south for a bounty of two thousand gold in exchange for the proof of the death of one Lord Bearington, a bear who had cleverly disguised himself as a bear for many years. I agreed to go after it with the others and then I sent the dwarf to deal with a squatter problem. Somehow he did not kill them all and let them take up residence in the southern portion of the city.

With that dealt with the dwarf, the rogue, and I set off to deal with this Lord. There was a minor incident with some bounty hunters on the way there that caused us to become separated from the landshark. The bounty hunters were wiped out by Sprinkles. We tracked the bulette then and found him at a gnome residence. It had decided to eat their milking cow, an event which had put the family into a bit of a panic. We calmed down the bulette and the family of gnomes. The gnomes then decided to run away with their horse and carriage. The dwarf chased them on the bulette, lost control of the bulette again and it decided to eat the horse. The gnomes then fled on foot.

We rested for the night in the gnomes mostly ruined house. I awoke to find the house on fire and exited it to encounter a group of orcs from the south outside. We chatted and as they had the same goal as us we teamed up and headed west. The rest of the journey was easy with only a merchant being on the path heading the other way. We arrived at our destination and apparently decided to toss aside all attempts at strategy as we all just walked up to the castle.

The rogue vanished up the walls while the dwarf and I destroyed everything in our path, wiping out the gate guards and the courtyard guards. We entered the guardhouse to find the captain dead at the hands of some orc barbarian who we awoke and pointed towards our target. With the keys that we found in the guardhouse we gained access to the castle and found that the rogue had already been busy. Apparently he had slipped a hallucinogen into the drink of our target and he went on a killing spree then, a killing spree that his cousin joined in on.

I calmed down those that were still fighting and questioned Bearington’s cousin and the others as to what had happened. The rogue came down then and told us that Bearington was escaping on a griffon construct. I took to the sky and with two explosive arrows shot him down. We went back to the castle and after we went through the castle the rogue and the dwarf set it on fire.

They both jumped out of the castle as the fire had spread far faster than anticipated. The rogue was fine but the dwarf lost most of his beard and apparently the jewel that was making his beard alive as the castle soon staggered to life. The castle went on a killing rampage and we all ran away quickly.

Needless to say, Mitra was less than pleased with all of this and I have lost my powers. I think I’ll take this as a sign that I need to leave or perhaps to stop associating with these people openly. I think that I shall still provide guidance to these goblins and hire the others. Undoubtedly they will find another person to accompany them. I will have to consult with the other paladins as to what to do.

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