Saturday, October 4, 2014

Call of Cthulhu - MSG Steve

We started to proceed into the basement when out of nowhere it seemed as if the house itself did not want us present and dropped a chandelier on top of four of us. Fortunately, all of managed to dodge the falling object except for Zane who took a scratch to the arm. Frank stopped Odd and I at the stop of the stairs and told us that there would be another participant in the study waiting for us downstairs, a homeless man of the name of Tim. We then proceeded downstairs with Frank in the lead and met Tim. After a series of brief introductions the three of us started to explore.
What first caught our eye was the series of box and crates next to the east wall. I perused the boxes and discovered them to be full of various clothing articles. As I had matches I took a man’s shirt and a pair of socks from the boxes. Odd opened up the crates and found nothing in them. At the end of the line was a trunk made of metal but it was locked. Attempts to open it have not succeeded. The rooms were next and there were three of them.

The first one I examined had laundry machines in it on the far wall along with a shower. Odd explored further as there was little light in there and he had a flashlight. He found a bench with a pair of overalls and muddy boots. He also noted rats to be present in the shower drain. The second room was full of cardboard boxes and it is where disaster struck us. Odd retrieved a picture from the room, ostensibly of me and my deceased parents. While he was doing so Frank had moved into the room as well. When Odd walked out of the room to show the picture to me the door slammed behind him. My attempt to kick it down after we found it to locked was met with little resistance however it seemed to not be the same door anymore.

My foot went right through it and then got stuck or absorbed or something. As the three of us tried to wrench myself free, I felt someone take my boot and sock off and start to tickle me! We also heard the giggling of a little girl through the door. We quickly got my foot back and then tried the door again. This time it opened and we found that Frank was missing. We quickly decided to check the third room of the floor but found nothing of use as it turned out to be a broom closet with some metallic structure in it.

As Doctor Ivy had disappeared when the door had closed on him in the room full of cardboard boxes I determined that if we all went in there and closed door perhaps something would happen to assist us in finding him. The three of us did so but nothing happened so we decided to investigate the room more. On our trip to the other side of the room a bunch of boxes fell on us, a rather fortunate event for later, as when we reached the other side of the room we turned to discover that the door we had closed was now open. I told everyone to hide and we all went underneath the boxes that had fallen down. I heard the laughter of the little girl once again coming from the hallway then and now I am most uncertain as to what to do. I can only hope all the others are alright.

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