Monday, October 13, 2014

Call of Cthulhu - MSG Steve

The three of us stayed under the boxes for a short while before we were all surprised to hear the voice of Doctor Ivy coming from around the corner. After a brief discussion we extricated ourselves and went to see if it really was the Doctor. It was him but he looked a bit worse for there were bruises and cuts all over his face and neck. He apparently did not know about them until we pointed them out to him and so we discussed this a bit. As an hour had passed we went to meet the others in the group. We were unable to see Chuck or Nathaniel right away so Frank went up to get Zane only to meet him on the stairs where he also looked a bit worse as there was a cut on his arm.

He claimed something about being thrown off a roof by a gargoyle, a most concerning event. The four of us then proceeded to investigate the rooms on this floor to see where Chuck and Nathaniel had gone off to. I investigated what turned out to be a dining room first and discovered that there were two of the eight candles that on the table that absolutely refused to light despite my best efforts. My sense of decorum is highly offended. I followed Frank into another room and then went to open the door to the last room.

I was quite surprised when I opened the door to find Chuck in a slightly decomposed state and looking very green. Almost like a zombie one might say. I decapitated him in response to his threatening stance and closed the door quite quickly after that. I am not impressed with this place at the moment. There followed a rather heated discussion about the subject of someone dying in this experiment and calling the police and what was happening. Most of us agreed to continue just out of curiosity, not because Frank was asking us to.

Zane then informed us of someone vaulting over the back fence and running into the mausoleum in the backyard. I decided I would head out there then when we were interrupted by the awakening of Nathaniel who had been in a coma of some sort. The presence of Frank seemed to perturb him and it became clear as to why when he said that Frank had killed Chuck. That is a rather concerning accusation given his disappearance earlier in the evening. I am not certain about it.

The police were called and then we set out to investigate the manor some more. Zane, Frank, and I went outside to go investigate the fence jumper when we discovered someone else entering the manor grounds, a detective of some kind. He handed us some information about a pair of likely murders that had happened in the manor a while back and then the four of us went off to investigate the other fence jumper. In the mausoleum we found two obituaries, a chessboard, and as I went to the other door in the mausoleum I found myself looking at the fence jumper through a slot in the door. We are near the end of this I think.

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