Thursday, February 12, 2015

Garrick the Warrior - Dragon Age

Coming into the Chasind village was an odd experience. Brakor had to negotiate with the leader of the village and it went over quite quickly as the leader of the village, Zorya, drank some wine along with Brakor and went down hard from one cup. Rather odd, considering that is apparently what they export here. In addition, there was a circle mage present apparently looking for poems. This is good and bad as it means that one of them might recognize when my spells but there is someone to blame magic on.

Regardless, after our clothes were dried we continued on, following the raven and quite quickly came to a spot where the raven just died. This was quite clearly the spot to be and so we gathered some fire materials and it was here that it became apparent to everyone that the girl we had picked up in the village was a mage as she just set on the wood on fire. Brakor did not take this well.

A bit of time passed as we argued and then it became apparent that something was coming and it was not the firesprites we wanted. A giant crab appeared and despite the threat it clearly presented it was quickly dealt with. Brakor crippled it by tearing off one claw and then Zerenor took off the other claw. It quickly scuttled back to where it came from and so we returned to waiting. It wasn’t until dawn that the firesprites appeared and started to return to where they came from.

Showing little regard to us they turned and started back, the firesprites moved quite quickly. Fortunately they were quite bright and were singing some kind of song so it was easy to follow. Some of the group, Brakor, Zerenor, and the Orlesian had some difficulty following but we all arrived in the end at this grotto that was most likely a building at some point. We followed the sprites into the grotto and through a tunnel into a cavern.

There we found the guardian of the cavern, a massive snake. It was a close battle and the snake almost took down Brakor but we were victorious. It was then that we split up into various caverns to find the shadowmoss. Brakor, Tin, and I stumbled across a pit that had some treasure in it while the mage and Zerenor found their way to the shadowmoss. The smell in the room where the shadowmoss was was a bit too much for most of the group however and so only the mage was able to enter. She quickly collected the shadowmoss and so we left to go back to Southmere as soon as possible.

We came across a group of Chasind who questioned us about the disease but we were able to lie to them about our purpose in the Wilds and so the interaction was quick. There was not much after that. We reached the edge of the swamps and came across another Chasind who required assistance with two of the diseased. Brakor and Zerenor went off to deal with them and after that slight adventure, we continued north.
It was then that we ran into one Ser Vilja, a knight of the next village to the west of Southmere. Apparently they had been attacked as well and were searching for the cure. Piere killed one of the militiamen and our mage took out theirs. With that done and the roar of Brakor, the rest fled in terror or as they saw their friends fleeing. The rest of the travel back was much easier. Wichford had been repaired somewhat and so we were able to take the ferry across the river. We then went and retrieved Zerenor’s sword and headed back to Southmere through the hills.

We arrived to see the barn that had held those infected gone and enjoyed the quick trial of Bogdan for his murder of four of those infected. The old Chasind woman was able to make a cure for those who survived.

Given that the sheriff’s daughter was amongst the dead, he had retired due to grief and that Ser Vilem, the military commander, quite clearly hated us, we collected payment for the cure and left town quickly. We are heading north now for there will probably be work along the mountains protecting from late Avvar raids.

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